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Some Amazing Life Hacks


Some Amazing Life Hacks
Life Hacks

Real Life Hack is a very simple and easy process.Some such effective 50 life hacks are mentioned below which will surely solve many domestic and daily problems.

1. If water falls from the eyes after cutting the onion, peel the onion and soak it in water for some time. Then the eyes will not burn when cutting onions.

2. Worried about hair care? Run out of shampoo at home? Then you can make serum shampoo at home to take care of your hair. Two egg whites should be taken out, and two tablespoons of castor oil should be mixed in it. Apply it on the entire hair for an hour and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

3. Cakes or puddings often stick to the baking pan after making them. In this case, if you dip a cotton cloth in hot water and wrap it for some time at the bottom of the baking pan, the cake will come out of the pan very easily.

4. If you want to swallow powdered milk quickly, mix a little sugar with powdered milk in a dry dish; Then the milk can be easily moistened with cold or hot water.

5. Unbearable burning of hands after cutting or grinding chillies. If cold milk syrup is applied to the hands then the irritation will reduce or the hands can be washed with cold milk. Moreover, even if the hand is burnt, if cold milk can be given at that moment, then the blister will not occur and the burning will also decrease.

6. To taste the amount of salt in the cooked curry, if you rush to taste the salt in your mouth, the tongue burns many times. Immediately, if half a teaspoon of sugar can be placed on the side of the tongue and eaten little by little, then the irritation of the tongue will be reduced.

7. Even if the sugar container is kept covered for a long time, ants are produced and to get rid of that problem, leave two or three cloves in the container and the ants will not come again.

8. During rainy season most of the time the ammo of deslai box can get lost due to weather. If a little dry rice can be left inside the box, the gunpowder will be fine.

9. Keeping the candle inside the fridge will reduce the decay of the candle.

10. Rice melting is a common problem in every home. So if a few drops of lemon juice and a spoonful of oil can be added shortly before the rice is cooked, then the rice will not melt anymore.

11. Even after cooking gram for a long time it remains hard at times. So if a pinch of baking soda is added while cooking the chickpeas then the chickpeas will be soft.

12. Glassware is often not cleaned well in the dishwasher. If you dip the dishes in the water in which you have washed the rice, they will be sparkling.

13. If bananas can be wrapped in a wet cloth and kept in the refrigerator, then the banana peel will not turn black.

14. After cutting a lemon, without discarding its peel, if it can be mixed with laundry soap in small pieces of the peel; Then less soap is needed during washing and the clothes are clean.

15. If the cold drink residue comes out, clean the floor of the house, the oiled walls and slabs of the kitchen with it, it will look shiny.

16. When the food is burnt, sometimes its stains stick to the frying pan and it is very difficult to remove it. Chop a little onion and put it in a frying pan and then pour hot water and you will see that the stain is gone.

17. If any part of the body is accidentally burnt then applying a ripe banana on the burned area will reduce the burning sensation.

18. Try applying nail polish on burnt clay items to keep them clean. Definitely nude color nail polish. As a result, the color will remain natural and will not become dirty.

19. Dirty or stained bathroom tiles? Take the detergent and mix it with a little phenyl and lemon juice and rub it on the bathroom tiles. Bathroom tiles will become absolutely shiny.

20. Teeth are good if you chew fruits regularly.

21. Cockroach in the kitchen? Tie some black cumin seeds and dry chillies in a small cloth bag to keep your spices! You will see that cockroach will leave very easily.

22. Children scratch on wooden cupboards or beds very naturally but it is not very pleasant to look at. But if kerosene oil is given, the stain can be easily removed.

23. If you eat 150 grams of sour yogurt every day, aging is avoided.

24. If you have trouble removing the cloves of garlic, separate the cloves and heat them in the oven for fifteen seconds. Then peel off very easily.

25. To remove rust stains from knives or scissors, soak the knife in vinegar for a while and then boil it for half an hour.

26. If dirt accumulates on your computer's keyboard or mouse, put a few drops of nail remover on a cotton pad and all the dirt will be removed easily.

27. To remove the dish sticker easily, hold the candle on one side without lifting it by hand and then remove the candle and easily remove the sticker from one corner.

28. To remove yellowish stains from pressure cooker, boiling lemon juice and lemon together for a while will remove the stains. If you boil the pressure cooker with vinegar, it will not stain.

29. Plastic things often get rust spots. In that case, rubbing salt mixed with turpentine oil will remove the stain immediately.

30. If you want to remove black stains on clothes, rub kerosene on the stain and rub a piece of lemon with it; And then wash the clothes with soap and dry them in the sun.

31. Make a paste of flour, salt and vinegar to remove black spots on brass and then apply it well on the black spots on brass. After 10 minutes, rub it with a soft cloth and remove it. The brass will absolutely shine.

32. If the silver jewelry turns black then you put the jewelry in a bowl and add water and few pieces of potato in it. Then boil it for 10 minutes and after it cools down, take it out of the water and rub the jewelry with a soft cloth.

32. If raw ornaments can be dried and stored properly in a cloth bag or paper bag, it will stay fresh for a long time.

33. After bringing vegetables or coriander leaves from the market, it is better to clean them and keep them in a dry polypack or container.

34. Remember that when fish and meat are taken out of the refrigerator for cooking, they should not be left out for too long after the ice has melted as they may spoil in the heat.

35. Shop-bought chicken fries, chicken rolls, etc. are wrapped in aluminium foil to prevent spoilage.

36. Many times after cutting green chillies, if the hand touches the eye by mistake, it is no longer safe!! Many times while cooking, pepper splashes in the eyes and irritates the eyes. If a pinch of salt can be eaten at that moment, it will immediately reduce eye irritation. Then wash your eyes well.

37. If you cut eggplant and kale, you will see that they turn black. If you dip cut bananas and brinjal in water with a little curd, it will not turn black.

38. Apply a little lemon juice or mustard oil to remove the smell of your hands after cutting onions and garlic and then wash your hands.

39. If fish is kept in the refrigerator with salt, turmeric and a little vinegar, it will not smell stale anymore.

40. Those who cannot tolerate the smell of prawns can apply lemon juice and a little salt half an hour before cooking the prawns, and then wash them clean and cook them and the smell will no longer come out.

41. When the ritual is over, the smell does not want to go easily even after cleaning the bottle. Burn the maches stick and put it in the bottle, close the lid, keep it for a while and wash it with soap and water, all the smell will go away.

42. The color of the dal will not turn black if the raw mung dal is washed and soaked in water. After washing and cooking, the dal will look and shine and it will cook quickly and mix with the rice.

43. If you want to store or freeze potatoes for a long time, put an apple in the potato packet, it will not allow seedlings to grow in the potato.

44. Chewing gum while cutting onions will prevent eye irritation.

45. When the oil is heated in the pan while frying the fish, sprinkling a little salt on the fish will prevent the splash of oil.

46. ​​Adding more water while cooking dal for a long time increases the taste of dal.

47. To cook the meat quickly, add a piece of raw papaya with the peel.

48. At the end of cooking the meat, before putting it down, the taste of the meat will increase many times if you spread the fried onions.

49. Adding a little salt to the water while boiling the eggs prevents the eggs from cracking and makes them tasty.

50. Cut vegetables into large pieces as much as possible to maintain food quality in cooking.
