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8 Useful Tips to Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy


Useful Tips to Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy
Pet care

Dog care Tips:

Before you bring a dog home and include it in your family, you need to study the information about caring for it. You need to meet both the physical and emotional needs of your pet. This means that you must provide your dog with nutritious food, clean drinking water, a roof over his head and a safe home. You should ensure your pet is happy by providing ample playtime, exercise, and mental stimulation. Caring for a dog is a huge responsibility, so the acquisition of such a pet should be taken seriously. This article is specifically for all dog lovers to successfully establish a trusting friendship with an important new member of their family.

1. Feed the dog:

Feed your dog high-quality dog ​​food. Be sure to read what's on the food package. The first two ingredients in the ingredient list should be a specific type of meat, not organ meats or grains. This will indicate that such a food is rich in high-quality protein and does not contain empty fillers. Ask your vet to recommend a food for you. Your vet may be able to advise on the best brand of food as well as dosage for your puppy.

Follow a regular feeding schedule. Doctors always recommend to feed a dog twice a day. Find the appropriate daily dose for your dog (this is usually indicated on the package) and divide this amount into two meals. Give your dog the first serving in the morning and the second in the evening.

Do Not Overfeed Your Dog With Treats or Human Food

Overfeeding can lead to weight gain and various health problems for your dog. Always follow the rule of only using treats when training your dog. Remember that sometimes this rule can be difficult to follow, especially if the puppy looks at you disparagingly. However, stay strong!

2. Consider your pet's health insurance:

If you are concerned that you may have difficulty paying for your pet's veterinary care, consider getting health insurance for your pet. In exchange for regular insurance premiums, the insurance company will be able to cover most of your pet's medical expenses (up to a predetermined limit) if it becomes ill or injured. The specific terms of insurance and insurance premiums and premium amounts can vary significantly depending on the insurance company.

3. Grooming:

Brush your dog. Brushing frequency varies greatly depending on the dog's breed and how much shedding it has. Regular brushing helps reduce shedding and at the same time gives you an opportunity to monitor your pet's body condition. Try to keep your dog's coat in good condition and tangle-free. You may need to use a combination of a flat comb and a bristle brush to remove tangles in time and prevent them from forming.

If your dog sheds a lot of shampoos, there are shampoos available at pet stores that can help reduce shedding. Bathe the shedding dog once a week until the shedding stops.

4. Trim your dog's nails:

Nail clipping can be a chore, but keeping nails healthy is important. Work slowly and confidently. Be careful not to hit the live part of the nail where the blood vessels are located. If you hit the live part of the nail, the dog may become very resistant to future clipping.


5. Physical activity, socialization and games:

Make sure your dog gets enough exercise. Give your pet the opportunity to exercise according to the needs of his breed. A small pocket dog is more suitable for burning off extra energy or fetching ball games, while Labs, for example, require long walks (at least 30-45 minutes twice a day). Perhaps your pet will be able to withstand a lot of physical exertion and not get tired, for example, terriers can often run tirelessly at the end of the day.

Excessive exercise helps burn off a pet's excess energy, which (if untreated) can lead to behavioral problems when the dog starts chewing objects, digging, or barking constantly. Make sure to walk your dog. Dogs need at least two short or one long walk a day. The specific duration of the walk depends on the breed of the dog.

6. Respectful and caring attitude towards dogs:

Register your pet (if needed) and attach an information tag to its collar. This will help you find your dog home if it gets lost or runs away. You must have a veterinary passport with information about the vaccinations your dog has received. For more information on whether your pet needs registration and what it requires, you can ask your vet.

7. Treat your dog with respect:

Never physically punish your dog always respect. This means that the animals need to be given a proper name, not something like "psycho" or "killer", which can affect other people's attitudes toward your dog.

If the dog makes a mistake, be sure to analyze what happened and think about how it was affected by your own actions or your inaction.

8. Walking the dog:

All four-legged pets love to walk. They are attracted by new tastes, their own kind, the opportunity to interact with a diverse environment. But it should always be remembered that the behavior of dogs is changing in new situations. If at home the dog is the kindest and docile animal, the "spirit of freedom" often inspires him on the road. Therefore, it is recommended on a leash, especially for large representatives, and fighting dogs - in a mouth. In addition, the leash will protect the dog from danger - moving cars, open wells, dog marriage.

It is enough to take the dog outside twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Exceptions are puppies and older dogs, here you need to look at the situation. Also, small-breed pets can be taken out three times a day.

Also Read: How to Pick the Right Treat for Your Dog
