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Useful tips to make heart healthy and strong

Tips to make heart healthy and strong
Heart Health

The number of heart patients is increasing day by day and heart attack has also overtaken many young people. No one knows whether you will develop heart disease. The risk of heart disease is also increasing due to today's changing diet, but we would say that heart disease can be largely prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle. If we follow the ways or habits to keep the heart healthy, we will always stay away from heart disease. How to protect the heart There are some simple tips that can be followed. If you want to know tips to keep your heart healthy then read this article.

1. Exercise is important:

Like other muscles in the body, the heart is a type of muscle. And as everyone knows there is no substitute for exercise to increase muscle strength. Now the question is, what kind of exercise will benefit? In this case, you should first discuss with the specialist doctor to know whether your heart rate is correct. If it is not right, the doctor will advise how to fix it. Along with this, you can discuss with the doctor about what kind of exercise can be beneficial to maintain the capacity of the heart. In this case, walking or jogging for a few minutes is usually beneficial. And if you can go to the gym and work up a sweat, then it's okay!

2. Quit smoking:

You may have heard of lung disease and cancer due to smoking. But do you know that regular smoking can seriously damage the heart? In fact, blood pressure starts to rise due to the nicotine present in cigarettes. Along with this, there is an increase in heart rate and serious damage to blood vessels, due to which the risk of a sudden heart attack increases several times. When smoking, the heart does not get the oxygen it needs. Because of this, the heart is seriously damaged. So smokers beware! There is still time to change bad habits. Keep in mind once the heart is damaged there is nothing left to do.

3. Keep the weight under control:

You heard it right! Even if the pot grows, but the danger! Do you know why? Several studies have shown that when weight begins to increase, the heart beat is not normal, due to which the risk of suffering from various heart diseases including stroke, heart failure increases. Moreover, due to obesity, there is also a risk of suffering from diseases like sugar-pressure. All these diseases also cause serious damage to the heart. Even, the bad cholesterol level in the body increases and weakens the heart. So if the heart has to be kept strong, then there is no other option but to shed fat.

4. Stress levels must be reduced:

To save the heart, you have to get out of the grip of stress-anxiety. Because stress means blood pressure will increase. Heart rate will also go up and down. As a result, the pressure on the heart will increase. And if this happens day after day, the heart will be damaged, due to which the risk of heart attack will also increase. Moreover, stress level only increases the secretion of certain hormones in our body, which is not good at all for the heart. So what to do? First find the cause of the anxiety. Then do not forget to take such action! Along with that, it is imperative to do pranayama regularly. It will keep the mind calm. Stress levels will also decrease. As a result, there will be no risk of deterioration of heart health.

Also Read: 12 Foods That Keep Your Liver Healthy

5. Keep sodium level normal in the body:

If you want good heart, reduce the amount of salt in cooking. Also give up the bad habit of eating raw salt. Why, what good will it do? Consuming too much salt means that sodium levels in the body will increase. Along with this, due to fluid retention, the blood pressure will be out of danger. And everyone knows that high blood pressure means that the heart beats twelve o'clock. Moreover, there is a risk of stroke due to high blood pressure. So be careful. How much salt can continue to be eaten? According to the World Health Organization, no more than five grams of salt should be consumed per day. But there is no harm in playing a little too much sometimes. But keep in mind that the amount of salt intake should not exceed 7-10 grams per day, then there will be no more worries.

6. Breathe deeply when you have time:

Whenever you have time between work, take slow, deep breaths for a few minutes and exhale. This will reduce the stress level. The secretion of stress hormone called cortisol will also be controlled. As a result, there will be no further damage to the heart. Not only this, Deep breathing has many other benefits. For example, regular deep breathing for a couple of minutes helps to keep blood pressure under control. The heart rate also remains normal, due to which no cardiovascular disease gets a chance to approach.

7. Sitting too long is dangerous:

Those who sit and work all day, be careful! Because, according to several studies, sitting for a long time can seriously damage the heart. How is this possible? According to experts, sitting for a long time increases the risk of blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. And everyone knows that sugar, pressure and obesity are directly linked to heart disease. So what to do? No matter how busy you are, take a walk every fifteen minutes. Walking for a few minutes regularly will improve heart health and prevent weight gain.

8. Healthy diet:

If you do not want to fall in the clutches of a heart attack or any cardiovascular disease, then you should eat foods that keep the heart healthy regularly. So make sure to eat green leafy vegetables, whole grains, soy protein and tomatoes every day. Also, foods like beans, almonds, green tea and yogurt should be included in the daily diet. If you want, you can eat a little apple. What will be the benefit? In fact, the vitamins and minerals contained in these foods play a special role in improving heart health.

9. Cycling:

There is no substitute for cycling to improve fitness. However, there are some reasons behind such claims. What is the reason? During cycling, the capacity of the heart muscle begins to increase due to various reasons, as well as the capacity of other important organs of the body increases due to the oxygen-rich blood reaching the whole body, the health of the heart also improves. And that has been proven in a Dutch study. After conducting this study on about thirty thousand boys and girls for fourteen years, the researchers have confirmed one thing that regular cycling practice reduces the risk of heart disease by many times.

10. Drink Sufficient Water:

Dehydration should not be allowed in summer. In this situation one must drink water properly. Because if the presence of water in the body is correct, it will help to control the temperature. And if there is a shortage of water, the temperature will deteriorate. As a result, the pressure on other organs of the body including the heart will increase. So keep this in mind. Only then can you stay well. Besides, studies have shown that if the presence of water is right, it can flush out toxins from the body. Even the heart rate is fine.
