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Benefits of Keto diet plan

Benefits of Keto diet plan
Keto Diet

The question may come to your mind that what is actually this keto diet? Following the ketogenic diet plan should completely avoid carbohydrate foods. Instead, eat more protein and fat foods. And from that, the body's energy deficiency will be solved. The body will also collect the material that the brain needs to run its daily activities from protein and fatty foods.

When you completely stop eating carbohydrates, the body goes into a special metabolic state called ketosis in medical terms. And hence the name of this diet is ketogenic diet or keto diet. According to doctors, when the body is in the state of ketosis, a lot of fat is burned, due to which weight loss does not take time at all. Not only that, blood sugar and insulin levels are perfectly normal due to not eating carbohydrate foods. There are also many other benefits. However, it is important to know that the information available on the Internet about keto diet charts is not always correct. So before following a keto diet plan, it is important to know from a dietitian about when and what kind of keto diet foods to eat. If not, it can have a bad effect on the body. Even as several skin diseases can arise, there is also a risk of serious damage to the body.

Health Benefits of Keto Diet

1 Boosts Your Brain:

Eating a ketogenic diet increases the power of neurons. Along with this, the level of some enzymes inside the brain increases, due to which the power of the brain increases visibly. Even diseases like Alzheimer's can't come close. Memory also increases.

2 | Keeps Heart Healthy:

Eating according to this special diet plan, on the one hand, just as blood sugar is under control, blood pressure is also less likely to go out of control (Ketogenic Diet). Along with this, the level of triglycerides in the blood is also reduced (Ketogenic Diet) is noticeable. Hence, there is no risk of any kind of damage to the heart. According to doctors, there is a risk of increasing triglycerides by eating a lot of carbohydrate foods (keto diet chart). And since no 'carb rich' food is consumed in this case, there is no risk of heart disease due to increased triglycerides.

Also Read: Tips to switch to organic lifestyle

3 | Reduces the level of inflammation in the body:

After several studies, it has become clear that following the keto diet plan eating keto diet foods reduces the level of inflammation in the body. As a result, there is no risk of any kind of damage to the important organs of the body, as well as the risk of falling into the clutches of various small and large diseases is also reduced. So there is no doubt that the key to staying healthy is hidden in the keto diet chart.

4 | Reduces incidence of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome:

According to experts, following the ketogenetic diet (Keto Diet Chart) keeps the insulin levels in the body healthy, which is why the incidence of polycystic ovary syndrome does not take long to decrease. However, you should consult a doctor once in this regard.

Keto Diet Meal Plan:

In this case, dietitians prepare a diet chart (Keto Diet Meal Plan) according to the body. However, the foods (Ketogenic Diet Foods) that are included in this keto diet plan are…

1 Oil (olive and coconut oil)

2 | Avocado

3 | cream

4 | cheese

5 | nuts

6 | Green vegetables

7 | Cauliflower, broccoli and cucumber

8 | Chicken and Mutton

9 | Egg

10 | Fish

Side effects of Keto diet:

If you do not follow the keto diet plan  according to the rules, side effects of keto diet or multiple physical problems may occur. In particular, problems such as headache, fatigue, increased appetite, decreased sleep, dizziness and decreased physical capacity may occur. Also, in some cases, bad breath, muscle cramps, various types of stomach ailments and kidney stones can also cause malaise. So the advice of experts should be followed. If any problem occurs, then the keto diet should be stopped immediately after discussing with the dietitian.
