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Gastric bypass ulcer

Gastric bypass ulcer
Gastric Ulcer

Does your stomach sometimes hurt, heartburn? But you don't pay much attention to it as a simple pain. Taking tablets or some medicine is getting temporary relief for that time. When the drug is stopped, the pain returns. This pain or heartburn is not gastric ulcer? It's hard to find a person these days who doesn't suffer from indigestion or gas-burn. This can be due to many reasons including today's lifestyle, diet, environmental factors. And the reason for this is the problem of gastritis. It can even range from gastric ulcer to cancer. But how do you know that gastric ulcer is slowly forming in your body? Almost all of us are more or less familiar with this disease. But knowing the symptoms of gastric ulcer is beneficial. One can rush to the doctor or take precautions before the disease becomes serious.

The problem of gastritis starts with a slight burning sensation in the stomach on the first day. Eating the food you like often becomes difficult. Vomiting, retching, hiccups, lumps in throat, heartburn. These can be symptoms of gastric ulcer. If so, stomach problems or gastritis can endanger your life. Later it grew bigger and bigger. and forms from gastritis to gastric ulcer or cancer. So it is very important to be careful in advance.

Why is gastritis or gastric ulcer happen?

Gastritis occurs at least 1-2 times in the life of almost all people due to various reasons. Which can be remedied or cured by timely treatment. And if left untreated or untreated, it turns into gastric ulcer. Some of the following reasons are responsible for this –

1. Excessive smoking.

2. Excessive drinking.

3. Not eating on time, due to which the stomach remains empty and attacks itself.

4. Various immune related infections result.

5. For drug overdose.

6. Eating too much spicy food.

7. Lack of adequate sleep.

8. As a result of eating raw oil and raw salt.

9. Excessive stress or tension.

10. Drink less water.

Signs or symptoms of gastritis or gastric ulcer

These diseases have different symptoms. The most common symptoms are-

1. indigestion

2. Heartburn.

3. Heartburn in the middle of the chest.

4. Excessive hiccups.

5. Burning in the upper part of the stomach.

7. Esophagus or throat irritation.

8. Indigestion of even small meals.

9. Nausea most of the time. and vomiting.

10. Overcrowding.

11. Abdominal heaviness or bloating after eating.

12. loss of appetite

13. Repeated regurgitation of food into the esophagus or mouth.

When to consult a doctor:

If you have upper abdominal pain, heart burn and feeling gas after eating, do not take over-the-counter medicines and must consult a doctor. If these symptoms persist, it should not be negligence at all.

Some home remedies for treating Gastric Ulcer:

Eat honey daily:
Honey is a type of enzyme. The enzymes in the honey break down and produce hydrogen peroxide. which fights the bacteria that cause peptic ulcers. Mixing cinnamon powder and honey in hot water daily is very beneficial.

Ginger is very good for ulcers. Ginger also works very well for gas problems. Mix a spoonful of ginger in a cup of water and boil it well. Boil for five minutes and strain. Now mix honey in it and eat it. It is very good to eat three times a day.

Garlic contains the compound allicin. Allicin has antimicrobial properties. So in case of peptic ulcer it is very good if you can chew garlic with honey every day.

Turmeric contains curcumin. Turmeric is also rich in antioxidants. And hence helps in preventing ulcers as well. Mix one spoon of turmeric powder and one spoon of honey in a glass of warm water. Eat three times a day. You will get very good benefits.

Chew a teaspoon of raw cumin seeds and drink water. If that is the case, you can take as much salt as you want to eat. Cumin is very useful for digestion.

Avoid spicy food:
Spicy and salty foods produce acid in the stomach and damage the lining. And the right amount inhibits acid production.

Are you surprised to hear the name? It is within everyone's reach. Fennel prevents gas or indigestion. Saute the fennel seeds. Eat regularly after meals. Drink water after a while. Besides, you can boil fennel in water and eat that water.

Gotu Kola leaves:
Gotu Kola leaves are very effective in treating this gas heartburn. Chew five whole leaves and drink water in the morning on an empty stomach. Do it for 2-3 months and see the results.
