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10 Fruits must include in your diet to boost Immunity in Winter

10 Fruits must include in your diet to boost Immunity in Winter

Winter brings problems for many. This season is as comfortable as it is painful for many. Many people get sick while enjoying winter. During this time fever, cough, cold, allergy, toothache, earache are thousands of problems. Suffering from these problems, many people forget to enjoy winter. Medicines are not the only solution to this problem. Medications may provide temporary relief, but the problem may return later. Therefore, proper immunity is necessary to stay healthy in winter. Many people get sick while enjoying the taste of winter. During this time thousands of problems from fever, cough, cold, allergy, toothache, earache. Immunity power is necessary to stay healthy in winter. Include foods in your daily diet that will boost your immune system. Let's discuss what fruits to eat in winter-

1. Apple:
Although apples are available year-round, the freshest apples are available in winter. Apples are rich in vitamins and minerals as well as fiber. Pectin, which supports gut health, is present in them. Antioxidants in apples reduce the risk of developing diabetes. As they contain vitamin C, they help strengthen the immune system.

2. Kiwi:
Kiwi, a fruit usually only available in winter, is a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals, including iron, fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Kiwi promotes healthy skin and delays the onset of skin aging. They contain minerals including magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc and iron.

3. Guava:
Guava has a sweet and sour taste. They have an excellent nutritional profile including fiber, potassium, copper, folate and vitamin A. Eating guava in winter can reduce the risk of cell damage and inflammation. These include pectin, which aids digestion and reduces the risk of colon cancer.

4. Grapes:
Regardless of the variety you choose, all grape varieties are delicious and very nutritious. Grapes are healthy for your digestive system because they contain a lot of fiber. These include anthocyanins and resveratrol, two naturally occurring phytochemicals that work to reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of developing various chronic inflammatory disorders.

5. Strawberry:
Sweet and sour, delicious red berries contain folate, manganese, potassium, vitamin C and antioxidants. Some chronic diseases like diabetes prevented by the antioxidants found into them. Since strawberries help regulate blood sugar levels, they are beneficial for diabetics. They are also great for weight loss due to their high water content and low calorie content.

6. Oranges:
Orange is a special winter fruit and offers many health benefits. The presence of vitamin C in oranges helps maintain healthy skin and strengthens your immune system so you can fight disease. Eating oranges is believed to reduce the risk of kidney disease and cancer.

7. Plum:
Plums are a sour purple fruit that is a nutritional powerhouse, containing antioxidants, fiber, copper, manganese, and vitamins A, C, and K. Plums promote heart health, digestion, circulation and appetite. Additionally, antioxidant concentrations can reduce anxiety. The potassium present in plums helps the body retain less salt, which lowers blood pressure.

8. Pomegranate:
Pomegranate can be eaten daily on cold days. Eating Pomegranate helps reducing blood deficiency in the body. Currant keeps the blood fluid. It regulates blood pressure. Heart is healthy. Helpful in weight loss. Pomegranate is also helpful in keeping the skin healthy.

9. Sapodilla:
Sapodilla contain a lot of fiber. This results in vitamin vitamin B complex and A,E,C. In addition to this, there are some components in Sapodilla, which play a special role in the care and health of the skin, starting from hair. Sapodilla also has a role in diabetes and weight control.

10. Dates:
Eat three to four dates daily. It contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and zinc. Which fulfills multiple functions of the body and provides nutrition. It increases immunity. Many people suffer from constipation in winter. Eat dates regularly to get rid of it.
