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Benefits of walking everyday


Benefits of walking
Walking Benefit

Several studies have proven that walking for at least 15 minutes every day can prevent many diseases. And if you say you don't have time. Then you have to say that you do not want to live. Because if you want to live, you must take care of your body. Otherwise, in today's stressful world, there is no doubt that the edifice called body will collapse like a house of cards. And there is no alternative to walking to keep the body strong.

1. Diseases like cancer are kept away: 

Several studies have shown that regular 30 minutes of walking causes some changes in the body that reduce the risk of developing cancer cells. Incidentally, the rate at which the incidence of this deadly disease has increased in this country in the last few decades, there is no doubt that the need for regular walking has also increased.

2. Keeps blood pressure under control: 

A study by some Japanese scientists has shown that regular walking reduces the risk of blood pressure going out of control. Therefore, those who have a history of this deadly disease in their family, if they do not walk regularly, then it is dangerous.

3. Diseases like diabetes are kept away: 

Several studies have shown that regular walking after lunch and dinner keeps the sugar levels in the body under control. As a result, there is no risk of getting type 2 diabetes. Incidentally, our country has already become the diabetes capital. Not only that, the number of new diabetes patients is also increasing every year in this country. In such a situation, it seems that you can do this much to keep yourself healthy, isn't it!

4. Increases life: 

You don't have to walk in a sweat, just walking a little bit here and there will be beneficial. For example, there is no alternative to walking to avoid sudden death at a young age. Along with this, due to increased mobility in the body, the possibility of suffering from several lifestyle diseases is also reduced. As a result, life expectancy naturally increases.

5. Increases heart power: 

According to doctors, walking for 20 minutes throughout the day reduces the risk of various heart diseases by about 8 percent. And if you can stand this time for 40 minutes, then it's out of the question! In that case, the chance of getting sick due to heart disease is reduced by about 18-20 percent.

Also Read: Importance of Doing Yoga

6. Weight loss: 

Walking for 20 minutes every day can reduce belly fat or visceral fat. Along with that, excess fat accumulated elsewhere in the body also decreases. The result is overall weight loss. So those who are suffering from excess weight problem, start walking a little from today. You will see benefits.

7. Improves memory: 

How strong one's memory will be depends on the hippocampus part of the brain. And walking every day increases the power of the hippocampus. As a result, the memory and the ability to remember naturally improves. As a result, the risk of suffering from diseases like dementia is completely reduced.

8.Reduced risk of bone loss joint pain : 

Osteoporosis causes the bones to weaken, making bones more likely to break with minor trauma. Regular walking reduces the risk of bone loss. Bone and joint pain increases as women age, regular walking is important to keep joints healthy, walking daily can reduce the risk of joint pain.

9.Increase in leg strength and muscle strength : 

Walking involves moving the toes, arms, waist and body, neck and shoulder exercises, which increases leg strength and regular walking can also help with back pain to a large extent.

10.Reduces stress:

Walk for half an hour every day. You will see, the stress has reduced a lot. Looks pretty cool. Many people are getting stressed while working from home due to lockdown. Walking will reduce this problem.

11.Increases immunity:

Walking increases immunity. According to doctors, as a result of walking, the movement of white blood cells in the blood increases a lot. As a result, immunity to infections and other diseases increases.

12.Increases energy and performance:

Regular walking increases blood circulation in the body. Increases the activity of brain and leg muscles. As a result, the energy gradually increases. We become much more efficient.

13.Vitamin D rich body : 

Having enough vitamin D in the body increases immunity easily. As a result of the habit of walking in the morning daylight, the body becomes rich in vitamin D. Vitamin D makes connections between different cells so cancer cells cannot spread to other cells.
