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Home Remedies For Anemia

Remedies For Anemia

Anemia is a serious disease. This disease is caused by a decrease in hemoglobin. In this case, there may be many reasons behind anemia.

Anemia is a deadly disease. In this case, the disease occurs when the hemoglobin in the blood decreases. This time many people call this disease anemia. If this disease occurs, you have to be careful from the beginning. Only then will it be possible to stay away from the problem.

People have been infected with this disease. So every human being must be aware of this disease. In fact, this disease can have many causes. In this case, deficiency of nutrients in the body or more specifically B12 and iron deficiency can create this problem.

This disease is more common in women. However, after menopause, the problem is seen equally in both men and women. So the disease can be fatal for both men and women. It is very normal for your body to get worse if you have this disease regularly. Because in this case the immunity is reduced. So everyone must be aware of this. Let's talk about the easy way to survive this disease-

1.Iron:In this case, if the body is deficient in iron, this disease can occur. You need to have something in your diet that can reduce iron deficiency. In this case you can eat by mixing grapes and honey. Both of these contain good amounts of iron.

2.Raisins:Raisins contain a lot of iron. In addition, these foods contain antioxidants. Now this antioxidant can create problems. It has also been shown that raisins can control blood pressure.

3.Fish and Meat:You also eat fish and meat. You can eat eggs again. Because this food contains a lot of iron and vitamin B12. These two food ingredients can reduce the problem.

4.Peanuts: It is important to eat peanuts every day to get rid of anemia. The iron in peanuts will keep you away from the problem of anemia.

5.Dates: The nutritional value of dates is incomparable. Dates are rich in iron. So you can put dates in your regular diet to overcome the problem of anemia. Will benefit.

6.Tomato: Tomato is a very readily available vegetable which is very effective in relieving anemia. The iron, vitamin C and lycopene in tomatoes are able to protect us from various diseases including anemia. So you can put tomatoes in your regular diet. The problem of anemia can be avoided.

7.Eggs: Eating just one egg a day can easily prevent iron deficiency or anemia in the body. So keep easily available, nutritious food like eggs in your daily diet.

8.Spinach: The winter market is overrun with spinach. This spinach is not only good for making delicious food but also good for health. Spinach contains vitamin A, B9, C, beta carotene, calcium and iron. which the body makes blood. Eating spinach regularly in winter will keep the hemoglobin level right. Anemia will be removed as a result.

9.bit: Bit contains many beneficial elements including potassium, magnesium, zinc, chlorine, iron and sodium. Eating it will cure anemia. It is also possible to get rid of problems like high blood pressure, thyroid. Eat beets regularly this season.

10.Pomegranate: Pomegranate is a fruit rich in iron and vitamin C. It keeps blood flow in the body and removes weakness, fatigue. Eating pomegranate regularly helps to cure anemia. You can even have a glass of pomegranate juice in your daily breakfast.

11.Honey: Honey is a highly medicinal herbal liquid. This honey is very effective in curing the problem of anemia. You can add honey to various foods instead of sugar. It will save you from the harmful effects of sugar, along with this, the problem of anemia will also be removed.

12.Sesame Seeds: Being rich in iron, it works great in reducing the incidence of anemia. A quarter cup serving of sesame seeds provides about 30 percent of the daily iron requirement. That is why experts give so much importance to this home remedy to remove anemia.

Soak two spoons of sesame seeds in enough water for at least 2-3 hours. When time is up, discard the water and collect the seeds and grind them into a paste. Now mix 1 spoon of honey in that paste. Consume this mixture twice a day, daily. Only then will the disease be cured.

13.Banana: This fruit is useful not only to eliminate the deficiency of potassium in the body, but also in many other ways. In fact, several active ingredients present in bananas play an important role in eliminating the deficiency of hemoglobin in the body as well as increasing the number of red blood cells. Start eating a banana twice a day with 1 spoon of honey daily. You will see benefits.

14.Apple: Are you suffering from anemia? If you want, start eating less than one apple per day. Then you will see that your disease will be cured in a few days. In fact, this fruit contains a large amount of iron, which plays an important role in increasing the number of red blood cells by eliminating the deficiency of this mineral in the body.

Also consult a doctor for more problems. Don't leave. This disease can cause serious problems in the body if left untreated. So every human being must take care of this aspect. Otherwise the problem will increase and the book will not decrease.
