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How to stop tooth pain fast


How to stop tooth pain fast
Tooth Pain

As the saying goes, no one understands the meaning of having teeth. It literally means we feel the bones when one by one the teeth break or bite. In great pain and agony the Prana becomes absolutely oral. It is far from eating anything, if you have a toothache, the whole body feels pain.

There are many people who do not take care of their teeth, do not brush their teeth regularly. There are many people who do not know the correct rules of brushing their teeth. Lack of proper care for a long time causes various problems like toothache, bacterial infection, bad breath, premature tooth breakage. So proper dental care is also necessary. You can keep your teeth beautiful and healthy with some simple home remedies. In our report today are some such ways, which will easily relieve you from toothache and make your teeth beautiful and shiny.

Causes of toothache:

Many suffer from severe toothache. There are many causes of toothache. For example, tooth pain can be caused by cavities, trauma, tooth enamel erosion, tooth grinding, etc. Toothache is usually caused by –

. Tooth decay

. Abscess in tooth

. If the tooth is cracked or damaged

. Loose or broken teeth

. Due to infection – Bacterial infection often occurs in the tooth, causing toothache.

. Gum swelling, bleeding. Etc. Toothache can be caused due to various reasons.

Symptoms of toothache:

. There is severe pain in teeth, gums, jaw.

. Teeth become loose.

. The gums become red and swollen, sometimes bleeding from the gums.

. Many people get fever from it.

. Ear hurts.

. The larynx swells.

. Many have pus coming out of their teeth and gums.

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Home Remedies for Toothache:

The toothache is already very painful, it becomes more unbearable in winter. Always rely on home remedies without medical treatment and antibiotics –

1. clove oil


1-2 drops of clove oil

How to use?

Apply it gently on the teeth with the tip of the finger and leave it for a while. You can use this oil 3-4 times a day.


It has been used for centuries to treat toothache. Cloves contain eugenol which is very effective in relieving toothache and the pain will subside within minutes of applying this oil.

2. ginger

Ingredients: A piece of ginger

How to use: First, cut the ginger into pieces. Chew lightly on a piece of tooth where the pain is.

Benefits: Ginger juice is very useful in relieving toothache. Prevents gum swelling and any infection in the teeth.

3. Asafoetida


A pinch of asafoetida, 1-2 spoons of lemon juice and a cotton ball

How to use

Mix asafoetida and lemon juice together. Heat the paste gently, taking care not to burn the hing. Apply the mixture on the teeth with cotton.


Can be used every few hours to get relief from severe toothache. It works very quickly. Reduces pain, prevents tooth decay. It contains antiviral and antifungal properties.

4. onion


A small onion slice

How to use

Place the onion slice on the toothache and wait for a few minutes.


You can use it every two days. Onions not only reduce pain, but also kill the pain-causing bacteria.

5. garlic


A clove of garlic and a pinch of salt

How to use

Add garlic and a little salt. Apply it where the tooth hurts and wait for a while.


Garlic has so many medicinal properties that will surprise you. It contains allicin which is one of the most powerful antimicrobial ingredients. Prevents infection, destroys germs and reduces toothache.

6. Hot salt water

Mix a spoonful of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle. Using it 3-4 times a day will give you a lot of relief. Hot salt water relieves tooth swelling and kills bacteria in the mouth.

7. Vanilla extract

Take 2-3 drops of vanilla extract in a cotton ball and apply it on the teeth. You can use this home remedy to get rid of toothache very quickly. The antiseptic properties of vanilla extract relieve toothache.

8. Guava leaves

Very soft guava leaves for toothache. Chew a few leaves and place them on the toothache or boil a few guava leaves and wash your mouth with that water. These leaves contain anti-inflammatory properties that work well to heal wounds.

9. Baking soda

Soak a cotton ball in a little water, add baking soda to it and hold it on the tooth. Or you can mix a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of hot water and make a paste, you will get good results (8). Its antibacterial properties prevent tooth and gum infections, relieve pain.

10. Cinnamon

Cinnamon and honey can be used together to relieve toothache. It is rich in anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which relieve pain instantly.

11. Mint leaves

Mint leaf juice works great to reduce toothache. You can also use its oil. Chew a few mint leaves and keep them in your mouth for a while to reduce toothache. Keep it in such a way that the juice of the mint leaves reaches the place where the tooth is hurting.

12. Olive oil

Dip a small cotton ball in olive oil and press it on the teeth. Wash your face after keeping it for a while. If you use it 2-3 times a day, you will get relief from toothache. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce toothache.

13. Hydrogen peroxide

It is very useful in reducing toothache and infection. Mix hydrogen peroxide with water and wash your face with that water. It not only relieves toothache, but also relieves various dental problems like bleeding gums.
