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How to maintain Vaginal Health


Tell me exactly, how many of us think about this one of the most important parts of the female body? It is a secret, For many of us. Don't talk or discuss it. Even if it only whispers. And since most girls grow up learning this from childhood, vaginal health means that this part of the body also needs care, if it is not taken care of properly, it can go wrong and the consequences can be fatal. Many of us have no idea! So without our knowledge, we may do something that damages the vagina. In this report, we will talk about some of the habits that are causing damage to the health of the vagina from floor to floor. See if you do something like this. If the answer is yes, then stop it today.

Here are some useful tips to maintain vaginal health easily

1. Wearing Sweaty Panty for a long time
Tell me exactly, how many times a day do you change panties? Once after the bath and once in the afternoon or at night after washing the body or coming home clean, right? But experts say, change your panties even if you sweat the slightest. Because, our vagina sweats more than the rest of our body. We don't realize it because we are wearing tight panties. So change the panty if you sweat a little. It will take a little more soap or panties, but you won't get sick!

2. Wearing too tight panty or wrong panty
Don't do either of these by mistake. Always wear a little loose panty. It is not being asked to wear logbags. But don't wear panties that you come home with all day long and the elastic is stained. And wear panties according to the shape of your hips. Your hip portion is heavy, you should wear a hipster, but you're inspired by an ad and buy a pair of bikini style panties, not at all. It will suffocate your genitals and needless to say, it will ultimately hurt you.

3. Don't wear panties for a while during the day
Oma, laughing that is being beaten? Well, do you go to bed wearing a bra at night? If so, why go to bed in panties or later? For those who have problems with excessive vaginal discharge, the story is different. But if not, at least don't wear panties for a few days. In fact, we keep this part of the body so tight that there is no chance for ventilation. If left open for a while, this organ will also get a chance to breathe, what's more.

4. Wash thoroughly with water
This habit is very bad. We think we can keep the vagina cleaner by washing with more water! But the original calculation is reversed as a result. It is very important that the pH level of the vagina is correct. We beat the clock by pushing the cleaning with more water. Apart from that, the white matter that comes out through the vagina actually flushes out any germs or dirt inside the vagina. Please do not endanger yourself by taking extra care.

5. Not cleaning the vagina after intercourse
We think the male partner was wearing a condom. Then what is the need to forcefully clean my private parts. It is of course important! Condoms also had synthetic lubricants on them. It's also in your vagina. So tell me it does not need to be cleaned?

6. Wearing the same sanitary pad for too long
It's different if the flow is heavier in the early days of the period, but as it progresses towards the end, the longer we wear sanitary napkins, the more likely it is. This time we get super frugal and think, just waste another pad? Meanwhile, we don't remember that wearing a pad for more than six hours is not good at all for health. Please don't do this. If you have to rush to the doctor later to save a couple of rupees today, it will cost a lot more money.

7. Ignoring vaginal discomfort
Just like stomach ache if stomach is upset, heartburn if heartburn, similarly you will understand if the health of vagina deteriorates due to any reason. Do not suppress problems such as increased white discharge, vaginal odor, itching etc. Take a doctor's advice no matter how little you feel.
