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7 Day Meal Plan For Glowing Skin


How to make skin glowing in 7 days
Glowing Skin Tips

You will get results in just one week, change the diet plan to get glowing skin. Whether you have dry or oily skin, changing your diet plan will improve skin health. Know which foods to add to your diet and which to eliminate. Running to the parlour 10 times a month, using thousands of beauty products, but your skin is not looking good at all. Actually lumps are in your diet. Whether you have dry or oily skin, changing your diet plan will improve skin health. Know which foods to add to your diet and which to eliminate.

What to keep in the diet


Protein helps keep skin cells healthy. So it is important to have enough protein in the diet. Include protein-rich foods like chicken, eggs, and broccoli in your daily diet.

Whole grain:

Cereals contain enough fiber, vitamins and proteins to keep the skin healthy. So keep brown rice, Buckwheat and Millet in the diet.


Orange is one of the most important fruits of winter. This fruit is our daily companion. Experts say, this fruit contains a lot of vitamin C. This vitamin C can save us from various physical problems as well as skin problems. In this case, the antibacterial and antimicrobial properties present in this product can protect the skin from various infections. So you can eat one orange every day.


This result is currently at the center of discussion. This results in some unique antioxidants. This antioxidant is able to take care of the skin. Besides, this fruit contains ingredients like beta carotene, luton. These ingredients eliminate the dryness of the skin. Makes skin soft. You can also use this fruit as a face mask. But it is better if you can eat at least one avocado a day. In this case, you can eat this fruit by making salad or juice.


No, don't panic. There is nothing surprising. In this case, pumpkin contains abundant vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. These beneficial ingredients also work great in maintaining skin health. The zinc present in pumpkin can help generate new skin cells. Pumpkin can even be very effective in maintaining the oiliness of the skin. So you can eat pumpkin every day. The skin will be fine.


Tomatoes contain a special antioxidant called lycopene. This ingredient does not age the skin. In other words, tomato is very effective in maintaining age. Also tomato is full of many qualities. In this case, tomato can be directly applied to the skin or eaten. You will see that the skin area (Glowing Skin) has returned effortlessly.


This exotic fruit looks as good as it does. Certain elements present in this result help to keep the body well overall. This results in alpha hydroxy acids. This acid removes dead skin cells and helps in the growth of new cells. Besides, this ingredient also helps in the production of collagen. As a result, the risk of skin spots and blemishes is greatly reduced.


This vegetable is rich in various qualities. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. These vitamins and minerals work great on any skin problem. Even certain ingredients in it can increase the skin's elasticity. So if you want to take care of your skin, you can eat carrots.


Many of us have beetroot at home. Vitamins and minerals in beetroot can save us from major skin problems. In this case, since beetroot has anti-inflammatory properties, this vegetable can eliminate acne problems. In this case, eating fresh beetroot gives the best results.

Also Read: Best Foods for Healthy Hair

Nuts and seeds:

Just as almonds are beneficial for the body, they are also beneficial for the skin. Eat walnuts, cashews, and almonds. Apart from this, you can also keep sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds in your diet for healthy skin.


Make sure that the food of the whole day is not completely oil free. Because it is necessary to have at least some amount of oil in the diet for the moisture of the skin. In this case, you can use Ghani's pure mustard oil, olive oil, almond oil. But make sure that excess oil does not go into the body.

Water and essential beverages:

Drink plenty of water. You can drink at least 8-10 glasses of water, green tea, herbal tea, canned water, almond milk a day.

Eliminate these from the food list:

Avoid dairy products like paneer, cheese, cream, butter from the food list. Avoid grain foods like rice, white bread, pasta. Keep in mind that processed meat is harmful to the skin. Avoid artificial sugar and sweeteners.

Drinking tea, coffee, soda drinks and alcohol should be reduced as much as possible. Eliminate all foods that contain excess fat from your daily diet.
