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Constipation causes, symptoms, diagnosis and prevention


Constipation causes, symptoms, diagnosis and prevention

Constipation is one of the most common digestive problems worldwide, affecting approximately 20% of people each year. This is defined as having a dry bowel movement or passing less than three times a week.

What are the main causes of constipation?

The main function of your colon is to absorb water from digested food. This is the breakdown of food passing through your digestive system to form stool (waste).

The rectal muscles eventually send the waste out through the anus. If stool stays in the rectum for too long, it can become harder and harder to pass, which is very painful.

Poor diet often causes constipation. Dietary fiber and adequate amounts of water are needed to help keep stools soft.

Foods rich in fiber are usually made from plants. Fiber comes in soluble and insoluble forms. Soluble fiber can dissolve in water and forms a soft, gel-like substance as it passes through the digestive system.

Soluble fiber retains most of its structure as it passes through the digestive system. Both fibers bind to stool, increasing its weight and size and softening it, making it easier to pass through the anus.

Stress, changes in routine, and conditions that slow down the contraction of the rectal muscles or delay your desire can cause constipation.

Common causes of constipation include:

Diets low in fiber, especially those high in meat, milk or cheese.

water loss

Lack of practice.

Delaying bowel movements.

Travel or other changes in routine.

Some medicines like high calcium antacids and pain medicines.


underlying medical problems.

The following are some underlying medical problems that can cause constipation:

Some diseases like stroke, Parkinson's disease and diabetes.

Colon or rectal problems, bowel obstruction, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or diverticulosis.

Overuse or misuse of antibiotics (stool thinners).

Degenerative problems, including an underactive thyroid gland.

What are the symptoms of constipation?

Each person's definition of a normal bowel movement may be different.

Common symptoms of constipation:

Less than 3 bowel movements in a week.

Passing hard, dry stools.

Strain or pain during bowel movements.

Feeling full after having a bowel movement.

Encountering a rectal obstruction.

Who is more at risk of constipation?

Eating a poor diet and not exercising are risk factors for constipation because if you are, you may be at greater risk.

65 years or older. Older adults are less physically active, have underlying diseases and eat poorer diets.

Bedridden people, those with certain medical conditions such as spinal cord injuries, often have problems with bowel movements.

A woman or child, women have more frequent episodes of constipation than men, and children are more affected than adults.

While pregnant, hormonal changes and stress in your gut from your growing baby can cause constipation.

How is constipation diagnosed?

Many people with constipation choose to self-treat by changing their diet, increasing exercise, or using over-the-counter medications.

However, the strips should not be used for more than two months without consulting a physician. Your body may become dependent on them for bowel function.

You should consult with your doctor if:

You have been constipating for more than 2 weeks.

You have blood in your stool.

Your stomach hurts.

You experience pain during bowel movements.

You are losing weight.

Sudden changes in your bowel movements.

Tests to diagnose constipation:

Marker Study:

A marker study, also called a colorectal transit study, is used to check how food is moving through your colon.

For this test, you will swallow a pill that contains tiny markings that will show up on an X-ray.

Several abdominal X-rays will be taken over the next few days so the doctor can visualize how food is moving through your colon and how your bowel muscles are working. You may be asked to eat a high-fiber diet during the test.

Also Read: How to cure acidity at home

Anorectal manometry:

Anorectal manometry is a test used to evaluate rectal sphincter muscle function. For this test, your doctor will insert a thin tube with a balloon tip into your rectum.

While the tube is in, the doctor will inflate the balloon and slowly pull it out. This test allows them to measure the muscle strength of the rectal sphincter and see if your muscles are contracting properly.

Barium enema x-ray:

A barium enema X-ray is a type of test used to examine the rectum. For this test, you will drink a special liquid the night before the test to cleanse the bowels.

The actual test involves inserting a dye called barium into your rectum, using a lubricated tube. Barium highlights the anus and rectal area, allowing the doctor to see it better on an X-ray.


Colonoscopy is a test doctors use to examine the colon. In this test, your doctor will examine your colon using a tube equipped with a camera and light source (colonoscope).

A numbing and pain medication is often given, so you probably won't remember the test and won't feel any pain.

To prepare for this test, you will be on a liquid-only diet for 1 to 3 days, and you may need to take a laxative or enema the night before the test to clean out the bowels.

How to treat and prevent constipation:

Changing your diet and increasing your level of physical activity are the easiest and fastest ways to treat and prevent constipation. Try the following techniques:

Drink 1 to 2 quarts of sparkling, decaffeinated fluids such as water to hydrate the body daily.

Limiting alcohol and caffeinated drinks, which cause dehydration.

Add fiber-rich foods to your diet, such as raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, prunes, or bran cereals. Your daily fiber intake should be 20 to 35 grams.

Cut out low-fiber foods like meat, milk, cheese, and processed foods.

Aim for about 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, aiming for 30 minutes at least five times per week. Try walking, swimming or biking.

Add fiber supplements to your diet if needed. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids as fluids help fiber work more efficiently.

Use lines sparingly. Your doctor may prescribe a short-term rectal or enema to soften your stool. Do not use the strips more than twice a day without talking to your doctor. Your body may depend on them for proper bowel function.

Consider adding probiotics to your diet, such as yogurt and kefir with live active cultures. Studies Trusted Source have shown that these diet changes can be helpful for those with chronic constipation.

If you still have problems with constipation, your doctor may prescribe medications to help.

According to one study, linaclotide (Lynzes) is recommended for people with constipation related to IBS.

These drugs make stools easier by increasing your bowel secretions.

Your doctor may also suggest that you stop taking certain medications that can cause constipation.

More severe rectal or rectal prolapse may require manual methods to clear the rectal area of ​​affected stool, gradually.

You may need therapy to retrain the muscles or surgery to remove the problem part of your rectum.

What should be your approach to constipation?

Most cases of constipation are mild and easily treated with diet and exercise changes.

If you experience chronic constipation, or constipation along with other bowel changes, it is important for you to talk to your doctor. Because chronic constipation can later cause hemorrhoids.
