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How To Get rid of Abdominal Pain During Periods (Home Remedies)


Abdominal Periods Pain
Abdominal Periods Pain

In today's article, you will know about the home remedies for stomach pain during periods in full detail. Read the full article to know.

Menstruation is a natural problem that every woman has to suffer. Along with this, period pain problems are also considered common. In such situations, women often use painkillers for this, which can have harmful effects on health. In such a situation, in this article of Health Bangla, we have come up with home remedies for stomach pain during periods, which are effective as well as safe. Apart from this, I will tell you about the symptoms of abdominal pain during menstruation, along with treatment suggestions.

If menstruation occurs at its scheduled time, then the female reproductive system is functioning properly. Period is a natural process that occurs for four to seven days every month for women. Girls start periods between 11 and 15 years. Sometimes some girls get nervous when it happens for the first time but there is no need to panic as it is a normal hormonal change. During this time, blood flows from the vagina and along with it, women face some other problems during menstruation including stomach and back pain.

What is Menstruation or Menstrual Cycle?

As already discussed, period is actually a process where the egg produced in the uterus is released in the form of blood outside the vagina in the absence of fertilization. Pain during the menstrual cycle is common, with abdominal pain being the most common problem during periods. In this situation, menstruation every month becomes unbearable for all women. Nowadays, women face more pain and discomfort than in the past. There are many reasons for this – abdominal pain during menstruation, nausea, discomfort and mood swings etc. But if menstruation does not come on time every month, it becomes a cause for concern. Many women have a love-hate relationship with their period.

In some women, the menstrual cycle sometimes becomes unpredictable – some months late and sometimes early. Sometimes the bleeding lasts for a week and sometimes it stops within three days. In fact, stress, health or lifestyle changes also affect the menstrual cycle.

What is period pain?

Before knowing the causes of period pain, it is important to understand what period pain is. In fact, in medical terms, the problem of pain during periods is called dysmenorrhea. It is mainly of two types. The first of which is primary dysmenorrhea and the second is secondary dysmenorrhea.

The causes of both these types of pain can be different. During the period, some women start to experience back pain, abdominal pain or cramping pain. There may be some of the following reasons behind this problem, which we have discussed in detail in the next part of the article.

Reasons for Periods:

Abdominal and back pain is a common problem during periods. Prostaglandins cause this pain. It is a type of hormone, which is secreted near the uterus. This hormone is also activated during childbirth. Prostaglandins are a group of lipids that fight damage or infection and disease.

Also, during this period there is a lack of blood in the uterus, due to which the muscles are damaged. The pain is worse within 1-2 days after the onset of menses (menstruation). Some women start to feel pain before the pain starts, but you can get rid of these period pains with some simple methods.

Causes of period pain:

We mentioned in the article that menstrual pain is divided into two categories, primary and secondary dysmenorrhea. Here we discuss the causes of menstrual pain on the following basis:

Primary dysmenorrhea – This pain is usually thought to be due to an excess of prostaglandins in the body.

Prostaglandin is a chemical compound produced by the uterus, which acts like a hormone. It increases the contraction of the uterine muscles which can cause cramps.

But this pain starts a day or two before the period and lasts for a few days. At the same time, it can be chronic in some women. This type of pain usually occurs in the early stages of the period. Then the pain decreases with age. Also, after giving birth, this pain often goes away.

Secondary Dysmenorrhea – This type of pain can be attributed to problems related to the uterus or other reproductive organs. For example, endometriosis, where endometrial tissue begins to spread outside the uterus, and uterine fibroids, a non-cancerous tumor of the uterus. This type of pain often subsides over time.

At the same time, there are other factors, which can make women's back pain, abdominal pain or stiffness more painful during menstruation. Here we are talking about the same general reason:

.Lack of nutrients in the body can cause pain during periods. Wrong lifestyle and diet are the main reasons for this.

.Any type of infection can also cause pain during menstruation.

.Excessive bleeding or lack of proper blood flow during menstruation can also cause pain.

.Many women experience period pain even after their first pregnancy.

.Hormonal changes during periods can also cause pain.

.Sometimes period can cause abdominal pain or cramps even on an empty stomach.

.Many women also have problems with gas during periods and this can also cause pain during periods.

.Sometimes young age or old age can also cause pain during menstruation.

.Many people believe that one should not exercise too much during menstruation, but no exercise or physical activity can cause period pain.

.For this, if you want, you can do physical work or exercise with the advice of a doctor or specialist. Opinions are important because everyone's menstrual cycle and the pain it causes are not the same.

.Lack of blood in the body also causes pain during menstruation.

Symptoms of period pain:

Apart from back pain, abdominal pain and cramping during periods, there are some symptoms that can be experienced during this period. Which is what we are talking about below:



.Headache problem

.Complaints of diarrhoea

.Back pain

.Leg pain

.Lack of energy in the body


.Feeling tired

Also Read: How to maintain Vaginal Health

Home Remedies for Stomach Pain During Periods:

It's time to know the treatment of abdominal pain during period. Below we mention some special home remedies, which are as follows:

Hot pad or hot water bag


.A hot pad or hot water bag filled with hot water.

Rules of use:

.Take a heating pad or hot water bag filled with hot water.

.Now compress it by keeping it on lower abdomen or waist for 10-10 minutes.

.Also, if desired, soak a clean cloth in warm water.

.Then you can strain it well and keep it on your stomach and waist.

.This process should be done several times a day.

How is it beneficial?

In Period Pain Relief Tips, we will first talk about heating pads, which can relieve period pain. Studies have shown that heating pads can have the same effect as painkillers in reducing period pain, cramps. In this situation, it can be considered as a home remedy. Using a heating pad can be helpful in relieving the pain.

Herbal teas (chamomile tea, green tea)

Chamomile tea


.A chamomile tea bag

.A cup of warm water


Rules of use:

.First heat water in a pan.

.Then take hot water in a cup and put chamomile tea bag in it.

.Now let it cool for a while and then add honey as per taste.

.After that, you can drink it like hot tea.

.You can drink this tea twice a day or even a week before the onset of menstruation.

How is it beneficial?

Chamomile tea can also be used to treat abdominal pain during periods at home. Research on chamomile shows that it can be used for many health related problems like inflammation, muscle cramps, menstrual problems etc. Also, chamomile is known to be a natural antispasmodic, which can also help relax the muscles of the uterus.

Green Tea


.Green tea leaves

.A cup of water


Rules of use:

.Boil water with green tea leaves in water.

.Let it boil for a few minutes and then filter the water.

.You can also use green tea bags in hot water if you want.

.Let it cool for a while and then add honey to taste.

.It should be consumed 2 to 3 times a day.

How is it beneficial?

Green tea has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used as a natural remedy to get relief from inflammation and pain related problems. We tell you that many times, anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended to reduce period pain. On this basis, it can be believed that consumption of green tea can be beneficial in reducing period cramps and pain.



.A small piece of ginger

.A cup of warm water


Rules of use:

.Soak a piece of ginger in hot water for 10 minutes.

.Then let it cool for a while.

.Now add honey to it and drink it like tea.

.If the pain during period is more, you can eat two to three times a day.

How is it beneficial?

Ginger can prove to be a good and effective remedy to get relief from period pain. Ginger has analgesic effects, which can help reduce period pain. This is why the use of ginger can prove beneficial in curing menstrual pain.

Basil leaves


.10 to 12 basil leaves or as required


.A glass of water

Rules of use:

.Boil basil leaves in water.

.When the water boils well, mix it with honey and eat it.

.You can drink basil leaf tea two to three times during your period.

How is it beneficial?

Basil leaves can also be used as a home remedy for stomach pain during periods. A study done on basil leaf reveals that basil leaf is rich in many medicinal properties, one of which is pain reliever. On this basis, it can be believed that it can be beneficial to get rid of period pain.



.Two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds

.A glass of water

Rules of use:

.Soak 2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in water at night.

.Then eat it in the morning on an empty stomach.

.It can be consumed a few days before the period starts.

How is it beneficial?

Abdominal pain during periods can also be cured with fenugreek. Fenugreek is popularly known for its analgesic, i.e. pain-relieving, properties that help reduce menstrual cramps. Not only this, but fenugreek seeds also work well for symptoms like fatigue, headache, nausea, lack of energy, fainting during periods. In this case you can also eat fenugreek powder at this time.

Rock salt


.One to two cups of salt

.Bath water

Rules of use:

.Fill the bathtub with lukewarm water and add one to two cups of rock salt.

.Now soak yourself in this water for 15 to 20 minutes.

.If you don't have a bathtub, you can take a bath with a bucket of lukewarm water mixed with rock salt.

.You can bathe with this water two to three days before the period starts.

How is it beneficial?

Rock Salt is also known as magnesium rock salt. When rock salt is absorbed through the skin, it can help relieve period pain and cramps because it has analgesic properties. Rock salt can be used as a remedy for abdominal pain during periods.



.Cut a plate of papaya

Rules of use:

.Ripe papaya can be eaten.

.Apart from this, raw papaya can also be eaten as a vegetable.

.Papaya can be eaten daily.

How is it beneficial?

Abdominal pain or cramping pain often occurs during periods due to lack of proper blood flow. In this case, consumption of papaya can improve blood flow and relieve pain. Also the vitamins, potassium, magnesium, antioxidant properties and other nutrients present in papaya can relieve period pain. Because sometimes the lack of nutrients can cause pain during menstruation.

Lemon juice


.Half a lemon

.A glass of water


Rules of use:

.Mix the juice of 1/2 a lemon in a cup of lukewarm water.

.Then add honey with it for better taste and consume.

.You can drink lemon juice every morning on an empty stomach.

How is it beneficial?

According to research, some foods that include lemon have been suggested to relieve period pain. At the same time, lemon has anti-inflammatory properties. Sometimes doctors recommend the use of anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce period pain. In such situations, it can be believed that lemon juice can be consumed as a home remedy for abdominal pain during periods.

Aloe vera juice


.One-fourth cup of aloe vera juice

.A glass of water

Rules of use:

.Drink aloe vera juice mixed with water.

.You can drink aloe vera juice like this if you want.

.Consume aloe vera juice once a day before your period starts.

How is it beneficial?

Aloe vera juice is also beneficial for period pain. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties. At the same time, anti-inflammatory drugs are often recommended to reduce period pain. On this basis, we can assume that aloe vera, which is rich in anti-inflammatory properties, can reduce menstrual pain.

Foot massage:

Sometimes massage is also beneficial for period pain. There are acupressure points on the legs, which can help relieve stomach cramps during periods. This point is located three finger widths above the ankle bone. If this point is gently massaged with the thumb and finger, problems like period cramps and their symptoms like bloating, insomnia and dizziness are relieved. This foot massage is called reflexology.



.Teaspoon cinnamon powder

.A glass of water

.Honey like taste

Rules of use:

.Boil water with cinnamon powder in a glass of water.

.If the water is low, you can add more water if necessary.

.Then mix honey according to taste and drink.

Note: You can also use whole cinnamon powder instead of cinnamon powder if you want. Besides, cinnamon can be mixed with hot milk and drunk if the period is irregular.

How is it beneficial?

Cinnamon can be one of the best home remedies to get rid of period pain. According to research, cinnamon oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can be helpful in treating period pain as well as reducing bleeding. But if you don't like cinnamon water, you can use it while preparing vegetables.

Lavender oil


.3-4 drops lavender oil

.1-2 teaspoons of coconut or jojoba oil

Rules of use:

.Mix lavender oil with coconut oil.

.Apply this mixture on lower abdomen and back.

.Also, if you want, you can take a vaporizer by adding a few drops of lavender oil to a vaporizer.

.It can be used 2 or 3 times a day.

How is it beneficial?

Lavender oil has analgesic properties, which is why it can be very effective in treating menstrual cramps. According to research, the use of lavender oil can be effective as aromatherapy in reducing period pain.

Peppermint oil


.3-4 drops of peppermint oil

.2 tablespoons coconut or jojoba oil

Rules of use:

.Mix a few drops of peppermint oil with coconut or jojoba oil.

.Massage this mixture on lower abdomen and back with light hands.

.It can be used once a day.

How is it beneficial?

According to research, peppermint oil contains menthol. Peppermint oil can be used for aromatherapy or massage to relieve menstrual pain. In such situations peppermint oil is believed to be beneficial in relieving menstrual pain.

Vitamin D


.Foods rich in vitamin D

Rules of use:

.Vitamin D rich foods include in your diet.

.You can also take vitamin D supplements on doctor's advice if you want.

How is it beneficial?

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that can reduce the production of prostaglandins. High levels of this hormone can cause period pain. Although there is no definitive evidence yet, vitamin-D deficiency may be the cause of period pain somewhere. In such situations, taking vitamin-D can reduce menstrual cramps and cramping. If you don't want to take vitamin-D pills, you can eat vitamin D-rich foods like fish, cheese, egg yolks, and orange-lemon juice.
