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Fatty liver disease symptoms, causes and prevention


Fatty liver disease
Fatty liver disease

Liver is an important organ of the body. This organ inside the abdomen helps in various vital functions of the body. Starting from making proteins, storing carbohydrates, eliminating harmful substances produced in the body due to metabolism, this organ performs many important functions. More importantly, this organ has a special role in the production of energy in the body. That's why this lever should be taken care of.

What is Fatty liver?

One specific liver disease is fatty liver. In simple words, the accumulation of fat inside the liver is called fatty liver disease. This disease is mainly of two types – alcoholic fatty liver and non-alcoholic fatty liver. Drinking alcohol damages the liver. In this case, fat accumulates in the liver. This problem is called alcoholic fatty liver disease. On the other hand, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is not caused by alcohol. In such a situation, lifestyle and eating habits are causing this problem.

Earlier it was thought that this problem is more due to the consumption of alcohol. However, as the current lifestyle reflects, the number of people with non-alcoholic fatty liver is increasing as compared to alcoholic fatty liver.

Why is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease on the rise?

Our way of life is at the heart of the problem. From morning till night we work non-stop. There is no time interval. And at the moment there are only hands on the computer. No physical exertion. Meanwhile, the less said about the food, the better. We only eat so much fast food now. This type of food contains oil, salt, spices. Fat accumulates in the liver with this oil, salt and spices. Apart from this, science says that no one gets sleep in this run-of-the-mill life. Many people are unable to get even 7 hours of sleep. Besides, everyone has worries in their life. All these factors together create problems. The result is that people are falling prey to fatty liver disease even without drinking alcohol.

What could be the problem?

Fatty liver is a very complex disease. This disease can also lead to serious diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol and liver cirrhosis. so be careful.

What is liver cirrhosis?

Cirrhosis is one of the most common disease of liver after liver cancer. If the liver is damaged for a long time, it can lead to liver cirrhosis. The symptoms of this condition are not visible at first but appear gradually. Later symptoms include feeling tired, yellowing of the skin, itching and swelling of the eyes and skin.

Symptoms of Fatty Liver:

Fatty liver disease usually has no symptoms. The appearance of symptoms means that the disease is very advanced. In such a situation, these problems may arise-
1. Tiredness all day.
2. Abdominal pain Pain is mainly in the upper right side of the abdomen.
3. Blue skin and eyes.
4. Redness of hands.
5. Sudden itching in the skin.

Seek medical advice immediately if these symptoms occur. Don't be late Only then you can get rid of this disease.

Foods to eat in fatty liver

1. Green vegetables:

Some vegetables prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver. Green leafy vegetables including spinach can help in weight loss. So eat fresh green vegetables to keep your liver fat free.

2. Fish Reduces inflammation and regulates fat levels:

Fishes like sardines, salmon, tuna and trout are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help improve fat levels in the liver and reduce inflammation.

3. Garlic:

Garlic is basically used to make the taste in food. Studies have shown that this herb may help reduce body weight and fat in people with fatty liver disease.

4. Milk and low-fat dairy products:

Products made from milk are rich in protein which is very essential for liver health. People who intake sufficient dairy products, have less chance of fatty liver disease.

5. Walnut:

Walnuts are rich in Omega 3. Studies have shown that people with fatty liver disease who eat walnuts have a greater improvement in liver function.

6. Tamarind:

Eating tamarind removes fatty liver. Not only fatty liver, tamarind is most beneficial for any kind of liver problem. Tamarind removes harmful substances from our body and keeps the digestion process right. Also destroys bad cholesterol.

7. Avocado:

Avocados are high in healthy fats. Studies have shown that chemicals in avocados may slow down liver damage. It is rich in fiber, which also helps in weight control.

8. Sunflower seeds:

Sunflower seeds are rich in Vitamin-E. It is an antioxidant that can protect the liver from damage.

9. Green Tea:

Studies have shown that green tea can help reduce body fat. However, the results of the study are not yet conclusive. Researchers have found that green tea can reduce fat storage in the liver and improve liver function.

10. Coffee:

Studies have shown that if the people who have fatty liver disease, drink coffee have less chance to damage in liver. And those who do not drink coffee have suffered more. Coffee contains caffeine. Caffeine decreases the amount of abnormal liver enzymes.

11. Olive oil:

Healthy olive oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids. Various studies have shown that olive oil can help reduce liver enzyme levels and help control weight. 

Do not eat foods that cause fatty liver

1. Ghee:

Ghee, butter is a kind of poison for those with fatty liver problems. It contains a lot of saturated fat. which can accumulate directly in the blood. From there there can be problems of liver, heart. So no ghee, butter, dalda at all.

2. Cold drinks:

Cold drinks or any sweet carbonated drinks are not at all good for the body. Cold drinks also have a lot of sweetness. And hence cold drinks are not at all good for the body. As the blood sugar level increases, so does the weight.

3. Sweets:

There are various types of sweets available in market and they are good to eat but they are not good for the body at all. It can increase the body weight which is one of the reasons of fatty liver disease. It can also create some more health complications. So, stop having sweets from today if you have fatty liver problem.

4. Drinking Alcohol:

Alcohol is a kind of poison for the liver. If you have this problem, do not consume alcohol even by mistake. There is potential for exaggeration here. Excess calories get stored in the liver and cause problems in the body. Along with this, the discomfort caused due to swelling also increases.
